A Delhi court on Wednesday awarded a four-year jail term to ex-Rajya Sabha MP Vijay Darda, his son Devender Darda, and businessman Manoj Kumar Jayaswal in a case related to irregularities in the......
I've never recommended the name of any contractor, says BJP President Nitin Gadkari, who has been accused of being involved in the Maharashtra irrigation scam, in an exclusive interview to......
Information acquired Right to Information activist Mahendra Yadav, has revealed that JAS Infrastructure Capital Pvt Ltd, one of the five companies against whom the Central Bureau of Investigation......
A special court on Thursday refused to accept a closure report by the Central Bureau of Investigation and directed it to further investigate an alleged scam in coal blocks allocation, involving......
A businessman-journalist and Rajya Sabha member from the ruling Congress party, Vijay Darda has recently shot into national limelight, but, for all the wrong reasons -- he has become embroiled in......
Parliament has cleared the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2023, recently. Photograph: Steve Marcus/Reuters The objective of the Act is to invite investments from......
A special Central Bureau of Investigation court on Monday fixed September 26 for hearing arguments on framing of charges in a coal blocks allocation case involving Rajya Sabha member of Parliament......
A day ahead of the Supreme Court taking up a status report on the investigation into the coal block allocation scam, the Central Bureau of Investigation swung into action on Thursday. It filed a......