The Enforcement Directorate on Thursday said it has frozen assets worth Rs 143 crore of prominent Kerala-based NBFC Manappuram Finance Ltd's MD and CEO V P Nandakumar after it conducted raids as......
Overseas fundraising by Indian firms is experiencing a robust revival in 2024, following a lacklustre 2023. Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ This resurgence is primarily driven by strong......
In mid-March this year, the finance ministry asked state-run banks to review their gold loan portfolio for the two-year period between January 1, 2022, and January 31, 2024. Illustration: Dominic......
Loan against gold as a product is catching on fast.Let's keep the momentum going, but aim for sustainable growth.A few bad apples should not ruin the brunch, argues Tamal Bandyopadhyay. Kindly......
The stock market has reacted positively to the July-September quarter (Q2) results of the gold-focused NBFCs, Muthoot Finance, and Manappuram Finance with both stocks recommended and gaining......