The police on Thursday told a court in Maharashtra's Pune district that they had invoked IPC Section 307 for attempt to murder against Manorama Khedkar, mother of IAS probationer Puja Khedkar, as......
A court in Maharashtra's Pune district on Saturday extended till July 22 the police custody of Manorama Khedkar, mother of Indian Administrative Services probationer Puja Khedkar, in a case......
Pune police on Thursday arrested Manorama Khedkar, mother of controversial IAS probationer Puja Khedkar, in a case of allegedly threatening some persons by brandishing a gun over a land dispute,......
The pilot of a helicopter was injured after it tilted during landing in Maharashtra's Raigad district on Friday, a police official said. IMAGE: The helicopter got tilted when the pilot tried to......
Union minister of state for defense Ajay Bhatt on Tuesday said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is ensuring that all Indian citizens are safely brought back to the country from war-torn......