The Supreme Court on Friday directed the Tamil Nadu government not to shift YouTuber Manish Kashyap, arrested for allegedly circulating fake videos of migrant labourers being attacked in the......
The Supreme Court on Tuesday sought responses from Tamil Nadu and Bihar on a plea filed by a YouTuber, arrested for allegedly circulating fake videos of migrant labourers being attacked in the......
YouTuber Manish Kashyap, arrested for spreading fake videos on Bihar migrant labours being attacked in Tamil Nadu, has been booked under the National Security Act (NSA) on Thursday, police said.......
R P Ravichandran, one of the six convicts who was released on Saturday in the assassination case of former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi, said that the people of north India should see them as......
The Supreme Court said on Thursday it will hear on April 10 a plea filed by a YouTuber, arrested for allegedly spreading fake videos on Bihar migrant labourers being attacked in Tamil Nadu, seeking......
With the home ministry rejecting the renewal of broadcast licences to Sun group, is it end of the road for Maran brothers? R Ramasubramanian reports from Chennai. It’s black Monday for the......
Union Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav made the following speech while presenting the Railway Budget for 2004-2005 in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday (July 6, 2004)."Mr Speaker Sir,I rise to present the......