The Bombay high court on Monday asked three Jain religious charitable trusts and a city resident practising Jainism why they were seeking to encroach on the rights of others by appealing for......
Taking serious note of the harassment faced by senior citizens at the hands of their own children, the Bombay High Court refused to quash a tribunal's order evicting singer Shweta Shetty from the......
The Bombay high court on Monday quashed and set aside the order of a single bench of the HC that had refused to restrain Maharashtra minister Nawab Malik from making public statements against the......
Dnyandev Wankhede, father of NCB's zonal director Sameer Wankhede, on Wednesday approached the Bombay High Court challenging its single-judge bench order that had refused to restrain Maharashtra......
The Bombay High Court on Monday refused to pass any interim orders to restrain Maharashtra cabinet minister Nawab Malik from making statements or posting content on social media against NCB Zonal......