Tamil Nadu, the only state that has all its constituencies going to poll in Phase 6 of the Lok Sabha elections on April 24, has the dubious honour of having the top two candidates in terms of......
Tamil Nadu, the land of regional parties where the two Dravidian outfits have ruled the roost for long, is witnessing a few fledgling parties testing their electoral luck for the first time in the......
Reviving their anti-nuclear stir, leaders of People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy on Friday began an indefinite fast at Idinthakarai to press for implementation of some of their demands......
Expressing unhappiness over the Supreme Court order which gave the green signal for commissioning of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant, anti-nuclear activists on Monday termed the decision as......
With the commissioning of the much-delayed Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project expected by end of December, anti-nuclear activists are planning to lay siege to the facility on December 10 to press for......