DBS Bank India on Monday said customers of Lakshmi Vilas Bank, which has now been merged with it, can continue to access all banking services, and interest rates on savings and fixed deposits are......
While Gupta, 60, can rightfully bask in the glory he has achieved for his bank in the subcontinent, his peers in foreign banks will have to revisit their India play, especially the local......
The Reserve Bank did not issue the final merger scheme for Lakshmi Vilas Bank (LVB) with DBS India on Friday as stated earlier and is likely to do so only next week, according to a central......
A day after the RBI put in public domain a draft scheme of merger of Lakshmi Vilas Bank (LVB) with subsidiary of Singapore-based DBS, public sector banks' officer union AIBOC on Wednesday said the......
While Dhanlaxmi Bank faces governance issues similar to those in Lakshmi Vilas Bank, the financial profile of the Kerala-based bank is better. Shareholders of Thrissur-based Dhanlaxmi Bank on......