Indian Space Research Organisation Chief K Sivan has claimed that the Vikram Lander of Chandrayaan-2 had been spotted by the space agency's own orbiter much ahead of NASA, which on Tuesday......
NASA's Moon-orbiting spacecraft has found the debris of Chandrayaan 2's lander Vikram on the surface of the Moon, the United States space agency confirmed on Tuesday, nearly three months after......
The precise location of the spacecraft in the lunar highlands has yet to be determined. Vikram had a "hard landing", NASA said on Friday, as it released high-resolution images captured by its......
As the deadline to re-establish communication with Chandrayaan 2's Vikram lander nears, NASA's Moon orbiter has captured images of the lunar region where the Indian mission made an unsuccessful......
NASA has found no evidence of Chandrayaan-2's Vikram lander in the latest images captured by its Moon orbiter of the lunar south pole region where India's ambitious mission attempted a historic......