In fresh trouble for Samsung Electronics, Chairman Lee Kun-hee, who is facing an arrest warrant, India's Supreme Court has directed him to appear before a Ghaziabad court in a $1.4-million cheating......
When Samsung Electronics chairman Lee Kun-hee strode into a celebration last week to mark his quarter century in charge, his only son Jay Y. Lee followed two steps behind in a sign of respect for......
Shaikh Allauddin Pakir Maiddin is giving sleepless nights to the top brass of South Korean consumer electronics maker Samsung and its chairman, Lee Kun-hee, the richest man in that country. But,......
The company will meet DGCA next week and is putting in place a strategy to contain the damage Samsung, which is meeting the civil aviation regulator next week following the explosion of one of its......
Describing Supreme Court's direction asking Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Kun-hee to appear before a Ghaziabad court in a cheating case an "extreme step", Commerce and Industry Minister Anand......
Korea's Chung Joon held off a fast-charging Amandeep Johl of India to secure a one-shot triumph at the US$400,000 Maekyung Open at Nam Seoul Country Club on Sunday.Chung, who led by three strokes......