The Delhi high court on Wednesday sought journalist Priya Ramani's stand on former Union minister M J Akbar's appeal against a trial court verdict in his criminal defamation case against her over......
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Monday told the Delhi high court that the trial court order granting bail to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was based on 'perverse' findings as it did not......
The Central Bureau of Investigation on Wednesday challenged before the Delhi high court the trial court order directing the withdrawal of the lookout circular against Amnesty International India......
The Delhi high court on Thursday agreed to examine former Union minister M J Akbar's appeal against the trial court order acquitting journalist Priya Ramani in his criminal defamation case over her......
It would seem that Indrani's application was not something prepared or maybe even sanctioned by her lawyers and was a courtroom enterprise she had embarked on by herself, perhaps not realising it......
The non-bailable warrant issued against India’s limited-overs captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni in a case of hurting religious sentiments was withdrawn by a local court in Anantapur, Andhra......