A Bihar court on Tuesday remanded Lalkeshwar Prasad Singh, the alleged mastermind of the toppers scam in the Bihar intermediate examination, and his former JD-U MLA wife Usha Sinha, to a......
Former Bihar School Examination Board Secretary Harihar Nath Jha was arrested in connection with the Intermediate toppers scam on Monday. Jha had been detained by the Special Investigation Team on......
Bihar School Examination Board ex-chairman Lalkeshwar Prasad Singh, the alleged mastermind of the toppers scam in the Bihar intermediate examination, and his former Janata Dal-United MLA wife Usha......
A chargesheet was filed on Monday against 32 people in Bihar toppers scam. M I Khan/Rediff.com reports from Patna. The Special Investigation Team of Bihar Police probing the topper's scam on......
... and these colleges are affiliated to the Bihar School Examination Board. M I Khan reports from Patna. Some of these colleges received affiliation allegedly with the blessings of former board......