Pune police on Thursday arrested Manorama Khedkar, mother of controversial IAS probationer Puja Khedkar, in a case of allegedly threatening some persons by brandishing a gun over a land dispute,......
An 'illegal' structure near trainee Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer Puja Khedkar's family bungalow in Pune has been cleared, days after the civic body issued them a notice to remove it,......
Probationary Indian Administrative Services (IAS) officer Puja Khedkar has lodged a complaint of harassment against Pune district collector Suhas Diwase at Washim in eastern Maharashtra, an......
A video purportedly showing controversial Indian Administrative Service officer Puja Khedkar's mother arguing with Metro rail construction workers in Pune has surfaced, days after another clip of......
The government on Tuesday put on hold the 'district training program' of controversial Indian Administrative Services (IAS) officer Puja Khedkar as she was summoned back to the Lal Bahadur Shastri......
Senior IAS officer and former MyGovIndia chief Gaurav Dwivedi was on Monday appointed the Chief Executive Officer of public broadcaster Prasar Bharati. A 1995-batch officer of Chhattisgarh cadre,......
Union Railway Minister and Rashtriya Janata Dal president Lalu Prasad Yadav wants to do something that even Amitabh Bachchan cannot do: an image makeover. Lalu wants to cleverly manipulate the......
The average land given to the rural landless is small and falling, from 0.95 acres in 2002 to 0.88 acres in 2015 - a 7.4 per cent drop over 13 years–and a slowdown is evident in the process......
When the Delhi High Court dismissed the PIL against the song Bharat mata ki jaiin Shanghai on Wednesday, Dibakar Banerjee breathed asigh of relief."Because of the unending travel and these......