The Allahabad high court granted bail to Kerala-based journalist Siddique Kappan on Friday in a money laundering case. Justice Dinesh Kumar Singh of the Lucknow bench of the high court passed the......
Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan's decision to exclude some media groups from his interaction with reporters in Kochi on Monday evoked sharp criticism from the ruling Communist Party of......
Observing that every person has a right to free expression, the Supreme Court on Friday granted bail to Kerala journalist Siddique Kappan, who is in jail for almost two years after he was arrested......
The Kerala high court on Wednesday upheld the Centre's decision to deny security clearance to Malayalam news channel Media One saying it was of the view there were certain aspects, in the......
'Just think of this innocent man who had to suffer so much.''Who will compensate for the physical and mental torture Kappan had to go through in the last two years though he has not done any......