India's Billionaire club sees one entry, five exits in first 7 months of year.The slowdown clouds may be getting denser but Kuldip Singh Dhingra has little to complain about. The 66-year-old......
Berger Paints India Ltd is eyeing acquisition of companies in China, Sri Lanka, west Africa and west Asia.Kuldip Singh Dhingra, chairman, Berger Paints, said on Thursday: "Berger Paints is more......
These individuals largely include businessmen associated with companies, including the dummy ones, in sectors ranging from real estate, financial services, technology and telecom to paints, home......
Mallya understood, astutely, that the Dhingras were very keen to acquire Berger Paints.He upped his asking price.The figure Vijay asked for was found to be much more than what Kuldip and Gurbachan......