The Kerala high court on Wednesday reduced to 10 years, the 20-year jail term awarded by a lower court to a defrocked priest convicted in the Kottiyoor rape case. Photograph: PTI Photo Justice R......
IMAGE: The Pampa Manalpuram on the foothills of Sabarimala has been once again flooded in Pathanamthitta on Tuesday. Photograph: PTI Photo Torrential rains, overflowing rivers and a series of......
Six persons have been taken into custody for allegedly sexually abusing seven minor girls of an orphanage at Muttil in Wayanad district of Kerala, police said on Tuesday. Eleven cases have been......
Two HIV infected children have been barred by locals from joining class at a primary school near Kottiyoor in Kannur district of Kerala.\n\nEight-year old Akshara and her brother six-year-old......
Two HIV infected children's desire to attend school has divided Kottiyoor, a small town in Kerala.On Thursday, a group of parents staged a demonstration to oppose the move to enroll eight-year-old......
Akshara and Anathu were denied admission toa school in Kottiyoor near Kannur, Kerala, because they were HIV positive. What has Malayalam superstarSuresh Gopi have to do with them?On reading about......