Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi on Tuesday allocated portfolios to the new ministers, keeping 14 departments with himself and giving home affairs to deputy chief minister Sukhjinder......
Two persons were killed and nearly 30 others injured in incidents of violence during the second phase of panchayat elections in Rajasthan, the police said on Sunday. In Kot village, old rivalry......
Vicky Nanjappa delves into the dossier on Sabahuddin Ahmed and reveals the life and crimes of the other Indian standing trial in the 26/11 case. The chilling tale of how a reasonably bright......
The land acquisition, the consolidation process in Kot and a slew of other decisions by the Haryana government to open the hills to privatisation and commercial activity run contrary to court......
When agricultural holdings get fragmented over years, the state government has the power to step in and help farmers pool their land parcels for improving land productivity, after which the pooled......
Restricted by state government orders, the ownership of such land could not be formally registered, so the advances made continued to be reflected in the accounts as ‘advances against......