The Bombay high court on Wednesday granted bail to researcher Rona Wilson and activist Sudhir Dhawale, arrested in the Elgar Parishad-Maoist links case, noting that they were in jail since 2018 and......
Prolonged incarceration without trial amounts to infringement of the right to life under the Constitution, the Bombay high court said while urging a special court to expedite the trial in the 2018......
Hundreds of people including political leaders visited Jaystambh military monument in Maharashtra's Pune district on Sunday to mark the 205th anniversary of the Koregaon-Bhima battle amid heavy......
The name of controversial right-wing leader Sambhaji Bhide has been dropped from the 2018 Koregaon-Bhima violence case as he was not found to have played any role in the violence, police said in a......
The Koregaon-Bhima Inquiry Commission has directed Nationalist Congress Party chief Sharad Pawar to appear before it on May 5 and 6 to record his statement in connection with the January 2018......