Bollywood actor and Samajwadi Party leader Jaya Bachchan on Friday filed her nomination papers as SP candidate for the Rajya Sabha biennial elections from Uttar Pradesh. Accompanied by party......
The bitter power game within the Mulayam clan appeared to be festering with Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav, in his new role as Samajwadi Party chief, leaving out his warring uncle Shivpal Yadav from......
Samajwadi Party leader Amar Singh on Friday denied he was a "hurdle" in Akhilesh Yadav's path and indirectly blamed the Uttar Pradesh chief minister's "supporter" and uncle Ramgopal Yadav for the......
Akhilesh Yadav was on Thursday unanimously re-elected as the Samajwadi Party's national president for a five-year term, further consolidating his grip over the party after sidelining his father......
Akhilesh feels that the defeat of the Dalit candidate would cement his party's relations with Mayawati-led BSP. IMAGE: Akhilesh Yadav claimed that two by-poll wins has sent a message......