The actor launched the Paani Foundation, which has participation from businessmen like Mukesh Ambani, Ratan Tata, Kumar Mangalam Birla and others, reports Urvi Malvania Aamir Khan and his......
Taking exception to Health Minister Harsh Vardhan not mentioning the death of healthcare workers due to Covid-19 in his statement in Parliament, the Indian Medical Association has published a list......
In 2001, when Bollywood film Chori Chori Chupke Chupke tried its hand at the sensitive, and tricky, subject of surrogacy, it got a lot of things twisted. Most of what we got to see in that film......
After a star studded opening on day one of the 17th Mumbai Film Festival (MAMI), on day two Hansal Mehta's Aligarh was premiered. A look at the arrivals for the screening. Siddharh Roy......
Producer Anand Pandit, who has made such films like Chehre, PM Narendra Modi, Total Dhamaal and Sarkar 3, hosted a Diwali party at his residence, and invited his filmi friends. A look at the......
A special screening of Aamir Khan's film, Secret Superstar, was held on Monday. Take a look at the Bollywood actors who attended the screening. Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra......
The ongoing Jio MAMI 19th Mumbai Film Festival hosted a special 'ladies only' brunch with a purpose; the aim was to discuss, among other things, gender equality in cinema. Take a look at the women......
Telugu filmmaker and former Union Minister Dasari Narayana Rao passed away in Hyderabad on Tuesday, May 30. The who's who of the Telugu film industry made sure to attend his prayer......