Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai was on Wednesdayinjured when a jeep accidentally hit herduring a film shooting near Trimbakeshwar, about 25km from Nashik."The actress received a minor fracture in......
It's an unusual setting for a corporate interview. The off-white trailer van is parked in the sylvan setting of Mumbai's Kamalistan Studio in suburban Jogeshwari. Inside, there's a spartan settee,......
'Some months before his death, when I had inquired about his health, he was annoyed that people assumed the worst.''"I am not going anywhere," Rishi snapped as only he could.'Subhash K Jha......
L'Orealhas signedAishwarya Rai as its new international brand ambassador.A L'Oreal Indiaspokesperson saidRai has been selected to 'provide an Indian face to our global team as she is considered a......
Vickey LalwaniAmrita on Bollywood's hot seatAmrita Rao debuted in Bollywood on an indifferent note with Raj Kanwar's Ab Ke Baras (costar Arya Babbar). She thenmade a brief appearance as Ajay......
He came, saw, and managed to conquer yet again. Amitabh Bachchan speaks to Subhash K Jhaonthereturn of Kaun BanegaCrorepati.There was no film released this week, and I feel KBC is responsible.That......
Aziz Mirza's Chalte Chalte seems to be in troubled waters.The film (Shah Rukh Khan, Rani Mukherji), whose storyline seems similar to Shaad Ali's Saathiya (Vivek Oberoi, Rani), is slated to hit the......