With the opening ceremony of Celebrity Cricket League's third season scheduled to take place in Kochi next month, Mumbai hosted a curtain raiser at Film City in Goregaon, a western Mumbai suburb,......
A curtain raiser of the fourth season of the Celebrity Cricket League was organised at the Grand Hyatt hotel in Santa Cruz, a western suburb in Mumbai, over the weekend. The league features......
Movie stars from all over India got together to enjoy Celebrity Cricket League finals over the weekend.Sudeep's Karnataka Bulldozers won the CCL final against Venkatesh Telugu Warriors by......
The Indian movie industry had a hectic weekend, as they played the Celebrity Cricket League matches in Dubai and Ranchi. Sohail Khan's Mumbai Heroes played against construction tycoon......
The sixth season of Celebrity Cricket League (CCL) brought together movie stars from all over India once again, to enjoy a few games of cricket. Four CCL matches were played in Ahmedabad and Kochi......