Kerala high court on Thursday held that freedom of speech and expression available to the press and media could not trample on the right to dignity, reputation and privacy available to the citizen,......
The Kerala high court on Thursday said the killing of a 23-year-old doctor at a taluk hospital in Kollam district of the state a day ago by a man she was treating was the outcome of a 'systemic......
The right of autonomy over one's body is often denied to the fairer sex and they are bullied, discriminated against, isolated and persecuted for making choices about their bodies and lives, the......
A woman's attire cannot be a licence to outrage her modesty nor can it be a ground for absolving the accused who committed such a crime, the Kerala high court has said. Justice Kauser Edappagath......
A 23-year-old doctor was stabbed to death on Wednesday by a man whose leg wound she was dressing at a hospital in Kerala's Kollam district where he was brought after a fight with his family......