Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday said there is a huge craze for Aam Aadmi Party among women and youth in Gujarat as it vows to tackle inflation and unemployment and claimed the AAP......
Voting will be held on Thursday for the first phase of Gujarat Assembly elections in 89 seats spread across 19 districts in Saurashtra-Kutch and southern parts of the state where 788 candidates are......
Former Congress leader Hardik Patel will join the Bharatiya Janata Party on June 2 in the presence of Gujarat party president C R Paatil, a state party spokesperson said on Tuesday. IMAGE: Hardik......
A man died and three others are in critical condition after a group of cow protection activists attempted suicide on Thursday by consuming poison, seeking ‘Rashtra mata’ (mother of......
In a partial relief to Patel quota agitation spearhead Hardik Patel, the Gujarat high court on Tuesday dropped the treason charge against him for which death sentence is the maximum penalty but......