While P Muralidhar Rao, BJP general secretary, says, 'Digital electioneering is here to stay until the elections in 2021,' the BJP’s rallies in Bihar will not be confined to cyberspace.......
A strict enforcement of seat belt norms for rear passengers would be more effective than making an alarm go off when people do not belt up, according to officials at car manufacturers.......
As 4G internet completes coverage of the entire country, rural markets have become the primary generator of sales. Earlier this year, Manu Kumar Jain, vice-president (V-P), Xiaomi India, was......
TaxiForSure's Aprameya Radhakrishna's new venture, Vokal, is a peer-to-peer content generation platform that is a cross between Reddit and Quora. After having successfully built and sold......
Trends like bundled offers and 4G-LTE feature phones could become mainstream in 2018 Once growing at a breakneck pace, smartphone sales slowed considerably in 2017 to 14 per cent, analyst firm......
Armed with deep customer knowledge, low operational overheads, new funding opportunities and help from online marketplaces, the local brand is turning David to every Goliath that steps into its......