Slapped with a Rs 26 crore (rs 260 million) fine by Sebi, realty giant DLF on Wednesday said the markets regulator will not enforce payment of the penalty till the pendency of the company's appeal......
In a major relief for DLF, the Securities Appellate Tribunal on Friday quashed a Sebi order against the realty giant that had barred the company and its six top executives from capital markets for......
Hit hard by a Sebi order barring it from capital markets, realty giant DLF on Wednesday appealed for an interim relief from the Securities Appellate Tribunal to allow it to redeem thousands of......
Realty giant DLF on Friday filed an appeal before the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT) against a Sebi order barring it and top executives from capital markets. The appeal is likely to be heard......
As realty giant DLF received a severe drubbing in the stock market, its promoters took the biggest hit of Rs 5,578 crore (Rs 55.78 billion) in value of their shareholding while overseas investors......