Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu on wednesday said that track washout due to a swollen Machak river led to the derailment of Kamayani Express and Janata Express at Harda in Madhya Pradesh. Making a......
At least 25 people died and 50 were injured when two trains derailed within minutes of each other while crossing a small bridge in Madhya Pradesh, shortly before midnight on Tuesday. The Kamayani......
Railways on Wednesday said the sudden flow of water on the tracks caused the derailment of the two trains while they were crossing the swollen Machak river near Harda in Madhya Pradesh. "According......
The twin-train derailments within minutes of each other that killed 25 people in Madhya Pradesh on August 5, 2015, is being blamed on flash floods. S Pushpavanam wonders if that is the only reason.......
Negligence at the local level appeared to have caused the derailment of Utkal Express in Uttar Pradesh's Muzaffarnagar, one of the deadliest train accidents in the recent times in which 22 people......
Little attention is being paid to keep roads, bridges and flyovers in good shape Earlier this month, as Gurgaon grappled with chock-a-block traffic and Bengaluru with flooded streets, something......