The latest updates from the Malayalam film industry. The probe into the mysterious death of Malayalam actor Kalabhavan Mani has revealed some shocking facts. The 45-year-old actor, who made his......
'Kalabhavan Mani was truly the star of the masses, which was evident from the huge crowds that came to bid him adieu when he died on March 6 at the age of 45.' If Kalabhavan Mani’s rags to......
Paresh C Palicha feels that The Film Star is loud and coarse. Post YOUR reviews here!When the tag-line of a film says 'the story of a real star' you expect a bit of reality in the story or at least......
Dileep and Kalabhavan Mani play the lead roles in Malayalam film Film Star, directed by Sanjeev Raj, which will hit the theatres on July 8. Rambha and Muktha will play the female leads."In Film......
When will the Malayalam filmmakers understand that senseless humour does not make good cinema or even guarantee success at the box-office? Director Anil's new Malayalam film Parthan Kanda......