Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Thursday urged Union Home Minister Amit Shah to direct Gujarat-based dairy giant Amul to desist from milk procurement in the southern state with immediate......
Are you wondering why milk prices in Gujarat are not coming down this winter? In normal circumstances, milk prices in Gujarat during the winter season, when the production hits the maximum, come......
The Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd, the oldest and largest milk producing union under the Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation, is set to foray into Kolkata with......
Dairy company earmarks Rs 12 crore (Rs 120 million) to set up facility to make 100,000 bread packs a day. After ruling the packaged milk and ice cream markets, Brand Amul has set its eyes on the......
Pond's, Parle-G, Cadbury, Asian Paints and Amul have captured the changing face of India through the seven decades What happens when the scent of a biscuit becomes inextricably linked with the......
Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), marketing its dairy products under brand 'Amul', today said it would begin manufacturing few of its dairy products in the US over the next 6-8......