The Narendra Modi government on Monday announced the prestigious Padma awards for 2021. In all 119 Padma awards were announced, of which the Padma Vibushan, the second highest civil award in......
In times of social distancing, thousands of people are dying alone without a last glimpse of their loved ones who are unable to reach them. CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: Full Coverage IMAGE:......
Brick buildings, the drainage system excavated in Keezhadi village are on par with those found in Harappa, reports A Ganesh Nadar/ IMAGE: A water tank with feeder channels discovered......
Achieving yet another milestone in its space programme, India on Thursday successfully launched its first indigenous all-weather radar imaging satellite RISAT-1 that will boost its remote sensing......
Avionics expert K Radhakrishnan has taken over as the Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) from G Madhavan Nair. A highly respected scientist with 35 years of experience in......
Upset over the government "not keeping its word" on improving infrastructure in Bangalore, India's tech capital, a group of top software companies have decided to boycott Karnataka's flagship IT......
PRANAV SANGHAVI says,Hello and goodafternoon to everyone. Welcome to the chat. Lets begin. javedmerchant asked,kindly let me know the prospects of sugar shares at current ratesPRANAV SANGHAVI......
Leave logic behind, sit back and watch Vijay do the impossible, observes Divya Nair. It's 7.45 am and the mall in Thane has barely opened on a Wednesday. The security staff is trying to make sense......