The Kerala high court on Wednesday granted anticipatory bail to veteran actor-cum-director Balachandra Menon in a case accusing him of outraging the modesty of a female actor in 2007 during a film......
The Kerala high court has observed that no religious belief stands above the Constitution. Image only for representation. Photograph: Adam Radosavljevic/ The court said this while......
Watching pornographic photographs or videos in one's private time without showing it to others is not an offence under the law as it is a matter of personal choice, the Kerala high court has held.......
The Kerala high court on Monday said that the phone of a journalist cannot be seized by the police in connection with a case, without following the procedure laid down by law. IMAGE: Kerala high......
After getting elected by the people through a political party or political alliance, a person cannot change his stand against that political party or alliance without getting a fresh mandate from......