The Kerala high court on Thursday said that neither the ruling front nor the Opposition in the state can be permitted to hold public meetings by blocking the right of way of the people on the roads......
The Kerala high court has held that politics has no role to play in the conduct of daily worship and temple festivals, while observing that neither a devotee nor the district administration has the......
The tragic bus accident in Palakkad a day ago which claimed nine lives, including five students who were part of a school excursion on a private bus, prompted the Kerala high court on Thursday to......
The Kerala high court on Tuesday initiated a suo motu proceedings on a news report in Kerala Kaumudi which it is stated that, as part of 'Panthrandu Namaskaram' in Sree Poornathrayeesa Temple,......
The Travancore Devaswom Board, which manages the Lord Ayyappa temple at Sabarimala, on Thursday told the Kerala high court that the jaggery received by it had 'halal' mentioned on the packaging as......