The Indian flag is flying high in Deutschland. Anshuman Jain has joined the likes of Indra Nooyi and Vikram Pandit in scaling the pinnacle of corporate achievement by becoming yet another Indian to......
Jain did not want to financially burden the bank with his own, personal decision to quit Deutsche Bank co-Chief Executive Anshu Jain will receive no severance pay and no compensation for working as......
German lender Deutsche Bank on Thursday issued a statement backing its India born co-chief executive officer (CEO) Anshu Jain, denying reports he might be removed from his current position. A......
Reserve Bank of India governor Raghuram G Rajan has been awarded the Fifth Deutsche Bank Prize for Financial Economics 2013, in recognition of his ground-breaking research work which influenced......
Deutsche Bank has appointed Anshu Jain as the co-CEO to succeed Management Board chairman Josef Ackermann, who leaves office in May next year.Jain, 48, the head of Deutsche Bank's highly successful......