A Delhi court on Thursday sentenced Dinesh Yadav, the first person convicted in connection with February 2020 riots, to five years in jail. IMAGE: A man sits outside the burnt shops that were set......
A Delhi court has ordered the police to investigate whether a deliberate attempt was made to shield five men who were discharged in a February 2020 riots case due to the lack of sufficient......
A Delhi court expressed 'immense disgust' while coming down heavily on a lawyer for alleging that the 2020 riots in the national capital were the handiwork of a political party and criminal cases......
A Delhi court has framed charges of arson and rioting against a father-son duo for allegedly damaging and setting a mosque on fire, vandalism, and stone-pelting during the February 2020 riots.......
A Delhi court has awarded death penalty to three youths for abduction, gangrape and murder of a 19-year-old girl whose mutilated and decomposed body was recovered from a Haryana village in 2012.......