A Delhi court on Monday acquitted five alleged members of terror organisation Lashkar-e-Tayiba, including one Pak national being linked to the terror outfit, in a case of allegedly committing......
A Delhi Court on Thursday dismissed the bail application of Kashmiri separatist leader Shabbir Shah in a money laundering case related to alleged terror funding in Kashmir, saying the prosecution......
An alleged Al Qaeda member who is a doctor and lodged in Tihar jail, moved a Delhi court on Thursday seeking permission to assist the prison authorities to deal with the COVID-19 cases. ......
A court in New Delhi on Thursday granted protection from arrest till March 9 to Shantanu Muluk, who is accused along with Disha Ravi in connection with allegedly being involved in sharing a......
While the Supreme Court on Wednesday ordered a stay on filing cases under the British-era sedition law, various courts in the recent past have been critical of the draconian law and have in some......