What stood out in his 15-year journey as a member of the political executive at the Centre was his glowing record as India's most successful and effective finance minister. Both as prime minister......
Jackie Collins, the renowned British-born novelist who penned best-selling novels such as Hollywood Wives and The Stud, has died in the US at the age of 77 after a long battle with breast cancer.......
China will launch an attack on India before 2012. There are multiple reasons for a desperate Beijing to teach India the final lesson, thereby ensuring Chinese supremacy in Asia in this century.......
"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." Fifty years ago on July 20, 1969 with these words American astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin "Buzz" E Aldrin made......
It requires only a slight change in perspective to understand the whole rationale behind the M Teresa sainthood circus, which will culminate in a major song and dance on October 19th. That......
This is director Suparn Verma's fun column. Warning! This column reflects the views of the writer and the writer only! He may or may not have been in his senses, so......
Dressed in lemon yellow hot pants and a tee, Minissha Lamba, curled up on the sofa while her hair dresser kept easing, twisting and turning around her shoulder-length tresses with a blower......
Even after seven years of Princess Diana's death, the controversy surrounding her life has not subsided.British actor Terence Stamp (My Boss's Daughter) claims that he had an affair with the lady,......
Though not as entertaining, inventive or colourful as some of the recent Disney animated films like Lilo & Stitch, Brother Bear has ample attraction for children between four and ten years, as seen......