The Uttarakhand police has sent notices of appearance to Jitendra Narayan Tyagi and Sadhvi Annapurna who are accused of delivering hate speeches against Muslims at a Dharma Sansad held recently in......
Two courts in Haridwar have rejected the bail pleas of Yati Narsinghanand and Jitendra Narayan Tyagi who have been arrested in connection with the controversial Dharma Sansad where alleged hate......
Haridwar hate speech accused Jitendra Narayan Tyagi has said he will surrender in a Haridwar court on Friday, and claimed in a video that his life is in danger and he may be killed in a suicide......
The Supreme Court on Thursday expressed concern over the holding of events like Dharam Sansad at various places, which allegedly is disturbing communal harmony. "Before they ask to sensitise......
Dasna temple head priest Yati Narasinghanand who was arrested in January in connection with the Haridwar Dharma Sansad hate speech against Muslims and other cases has been released from jail.......
Amazon Prime Video has announced 69 assorted Web series and movies, and the slate sure looks interesting. Here's looking at the Web series that you will be watching this year! Do Read: Watch Vijay......