With auctions unable to proceed, the median onion price declined 17 per cent or Rs 6 a kg to trade at Rs 30 a kg on Monday, with arrivals of around 500 tonnes. Onion auctions at the......
At Lasalgaon mandi, Asia’s largest onion selling market, the onion price jumped Rs 1.50 a kg to Rs 32 a kg, the highest since January last year. Onion price hit the highest since January......
Assembly elections in Maharashtra are scheduled later this month. The farmer protests are likely to affect the results, especially in the onion-growing belt of Nashik. IMAGE: An onion-seller......
In the retail markets, fresh onion is sold between Rs 10 and Rs 12 a kg. Now, farmers have to sell onion at a loss of Rs 2-3 per kg if transport cost is included. With onion prices hovering around......