Telugu actor Nandamuri Balakrishna's daughter Tejaswini tied the knot with Sribharat, son of MSP Rama Rao and the grandson of Mr MVVS Murthi, who head the prestigious GITAM (Gandhi Institute of......
Telugu actor-politician Jayasudha invited her friends and colleagues to the wedding reception of her elder son Nihar Kapoor at Banjara Hills in Hyderabad. Nihar tied the knot with Amrit Kaur, a......
In an industry dominated by star sons and influential god fathers, Kannada actor-director Adarsh is an exception. He entered the film industry after a successful stint on television......
Jaya Prada hosted a grand wedding for her adopted son Siddharth at the KBR Convention hall in LB Nagar, Hyderabad, on November 27. Siddharth is the son of Jaya Prada's sister. Siddharth got......
Snapshots from the star-studded show.The TSR TV9 National Film Awards for 2013-14, hosted by Dr T Subbirami Reddy, were held at Shilpakalavedika in Madhapur, Hyderabad, on July 19. A look at......