Kerala high court on Thursday held that freedom of speech and expression available to the press and media could not trample on the right to dignity, reputation and privacy available to the citizen,......
The Kerala high court on Tuesday granted bail to 17 accused Popular Front of India members in the 2022 murder case of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh leader Srinivasan in Palakkad district of Kerala,......
The Kerala high court on Friday took suo motu case against radical Islamic outfit Popular Front of India (PFI) and its state general secretary over declaring hartal in the southern state on Friday.......
The Kerala high court on Friday stayed the transfer of a sessions judge who had made controversial observations in his orders while granting bail to an accused in two sexual harassment cases in......
The Kerala high court on Wednesday set aside the transfer of a sessions judge who had made controversial observations in his orders while granting bail to an accused in two sexual harassment cases......