The Mumbai Police, probing the Rs 5,600-crore (Rs 56 billion) scam at the National Spot Exchange has initiated the process of attaching about 25 immovable assets of the borrowers and has......
Claiming innocence, former head of the National Spot Exchange Limited (NSEL) Anjani Sinha, held in the Rs 5,600 crore (Rs 56 billion) payment crisis, on said that he was acting under the......
Jignesh Shah, the promoter of National Spot Exchange Ltd (NSEL), and its former CEO Anjani Sinha on Friday traded charges in connection with the multi-crore payment crisis at the crippled bourse......
The Economic Offences Wing of Mumbai Police on arrested former managing director and chief executive of the beleaguered National Spot Exchange (NSEL) Anjani Sinha. Before arresting him, he was......
In a fresh development in NSEL's Rs 5,600 crore (Rs 56 billion) scam, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Monday registered a preliminary inquiry into the payment crisis, suspecting large-scale......