The strong Bharatiya Janata Party-Telugu Desam Party combine in Seema-Andhra could upset the calculations of the YSR Congress, but the TDP's biggest problem is rebellion from within. Vicky Nanjappa......
Thousands of people may have gathered at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Stadium in Hyderabad on Sunday to attend a rally by Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, but it remains to be seen whether the......
The Congress party has been drawing poor crowds in Seema-Andhra since it took the decision to bifurcate the state. The total number of those who have quit the Congress and embraced parties like......
As TDP maintains a distance from the BJP ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, the saffron party may get a new alliance partner in the form of Telangana Rashtra Samiti. Vicky Nanjappa reports on the......
The Telangana issue disrupted the Parliament on the first day of the last session of the current Lok Sabha, leading to adjournment of both Houses. While the Lok Sabha has been adjourned for the......