The Rs 23,000-crore (Rs 230 billion) debt on its books notwithstanding, Tata Motors has charted a multi-focal approach for reviving the fortunes of its troubled British brands, Jaguar and Land......
JLR, the maker of Jaguar F-Type and Range Rover Evoque, was a jewel in the crown of Tata Motors till two years back.But, it has been struggling because of the pending Brexit, a sharp contraction in......
India's Tata Motors could sign a deal with Ford to buy the US carmaker's Jaguar and Land Rover marques as early as next Wednesday or Thursday, people familiar with the deal said on Tuesday. They......
Barely days before it launches the world's cheapest car, Tatas were on Wednesday named the preferred bidder for Ford's British luxury brands -- Jaguar and Land Rover. The Indian conglomerate, in......
Tatas' takeover bid for Jaguar and Land Rover, the UK brands of the American auto giant Ford, may be still hanging in balance, but the group enjoys a long and close relationship (about four-year......