Manish Malhotra's Diwali party saw Bollywood's glitterati glitter even more, as they wore the latest designs from his collection. Ananya Panday has got the memo, and picks her outfit accordingly.......
Divya Khosla Kumar threw a surprise birthday bash for husband Bhushan Kumar, who turns a year older on November 27. The celebrations were held at the Estella restaurant in Juhu, a western......
When Sallu's sis makes her debut, look who turns up...Photographs: Pradeep Bandekar Salman Khan's rakhi sis Shweta Rohira is making her acting debut. Shweta stars in a short film, Parineeti,......
The latest Bollywood updates. IMAGE: Iulia Vantur. Photograph: Iulia Vantur/Instagram Salman Khan has sparked dating rumours with Iulia Vantur once again after the two were spotted leaving......
A day after the wedding of the year, a special function, called the Shubh Ashirwad, was held on July 13 to bless the newlyweds, Radhika and Anant Ambani. Folks from various fields trooped in at the......