Bharatiya Janata Party MP Parvesh Verma on Monday performed rituals and launched preparations for Chhath Puja at the Yamuna Ghat near the ITO in New Delhi despite a ban by the Delhi Disaster......
Traffic crawled in Delhi as heavy rain caused waterlogging in several parts of the city on Tuesday, officials said. IMAGE: Vehicles and people wade through a waterlogged road in New Delhi,......
The Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) on Friday allowed Chhath Puja celebrations at designated sites in the city except the banks of Yamuna river. IMAGE: Delhi BJP Purvanchal......
The water level of the Yamuna in Delhi breached the danger mark again on Wednesday morning, less than 12 hours after it dropped below the threshold, amid rains in the national capital and the upper......
The water level of the Yamuna in Delhi on Tuesday followed a downward trend and dropped below the danger mark of 205.33 metres by 8 pm, the Central Water Commission's data showed. IMAGE: A view of......