The Madras High Court on Friday stayed a recent order by a registrar of societies in Chennai which cancelled the registration of environmental group Greenpeace India Society. Hearing a petition by......
Greenpeace's registration to operate in India has been cancelled, the environmental group said on Friday, marking yet another action which, it alleged, came under the directions of the Union home......
The non-government body said it will move court against Tamil Nadu government's notice Hitting back, Greenpeace India on Thursday said it will move court against Tamil Nadu government's notice......
A top executive of Greenpeace India has resigned following an internal review by the NGO of its handling of two prior sexual harassment cases. Executive Director of Greenpeace India, Samit Aich,......
Greenpeace on Friday termed as part of "relentless onslaught" by the government cancellation of its FCRA registration that barred the environmental organisation from receiving foreign funds and......
India has cancelled Greenpeace International's license to operate and gave the group 30 days to close down, citing financial fraud and falsification of data, the environment watchdog said on......