Indian Space Research Organisaiton on Thursday released a 'selfie' and images of the Earth and the Moon -- the first of the images taken by the camera on-board Aditya-L1 solar mission spacecraft,......
Giving an update on its Aditya-L1 mission to study the Sun, ISRO said on Wednesday the launch rehearsal and the rocket's internal checks have been completed. The mission is scheduled to be......
Aditya L1 spacecraft, India's first space-based mission to study the Sun, successfully underwent its third earth-bound manoeuvre in the early hours of Sunday, ISRO said. Photograph: ISRO The space......
Aditya L1, the first space based Indian mission to study the Sun underwent the second earth-bound manoeuvre successfully, during the early hours on Tuesday, Indian Space Research Organisation......
After the successful moon lander venture, ISRO is now gearing up for the launch of a solar mission in a week's time, likely on September 2, to study the Sun. IMAGE: Aditya-L1 gets ready for...... raised $100 million from Tiger Global, a deal that valued the company at $500 million. Image: ShopClues Team. Photograph, Courtesy: ShopClues Sanjay Sethi,......