Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Sunday termed India a 'not very lucky' nation on the security front and urged soldiers to keep a sharp eye on internal and external foes who he said are always......
At this time, sixty years ago, Brigadier John Parshuram Dalvi and his men were captured as prisoners of war by the Chinese during the 1962 War.The men led by him fought against incredible odds,......
'...Cliffy with utter disregard to his personal safety, charged through the fire zone, closed in on the enemy, threw hand grenades inside their bunkers and killed six enemy soldiers!' '...He was......
The decision to renovate the memorial was taken by Rajnath Singh when he visited Leh in June 2021.Renovation commenced in mid-July and the complex was ready within three months for inauguration on......
Major Kuldip Singh Chandpuri was awarded the Mahavir Chakra, India's second highest medal for gallantry for leading a small company of men against a massive Pakistani attack.'He said the men of 23......
For the few who think of Mangal Pandey as just another character role played by Aamir Khan, a quick lesson in history:So, he's not a fictional character?Of course not. Born in the village of Nagwa,......