President Pratibha Patil on Saturday spoke to veteran actor Dilip Kumar and wished him a speedy recovery. The 86-year-old thespian was admitted to the Indraprasth Apollo Hospital late on Thursday......
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Seb) on Wednesday absolved Indiabulls Securities of charges of cornering shares meant for retail investors in IPOs and dropped an inquiry initiated......
The message of Incredible India is as clear as it can get. As the portrait of a woman in a yoga posture melts into a still of a temple with damsels dancing before it, the Department of Tourism......
PRANAV SANGHAVI says,Good afternoon everyone. Welcome to this week's chat. Let's begin.gagan asked,hi pranav what is the future of gmrPRANAV SANGHAVI answers,Hi Gagan, just today the court has......
Veteran Bollywood actor Dilip Kumar has been admitted to a city hospital for treatment of a urinary infection. The 86-year-old thespian was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the......