The Modi government on Thursday constituted an eight-member search committee, to be headed by former Supreme Court judge Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai, to recommend the chairperson and members of......
The Supreme Court on Thursday requested the search committee on Lokpal to recommend by the end of February a panel of names for appointing the country's first anti-graft ombudsman. A bench headed......
Alur Seelin Kiran Kumar was on Monday appointed as the new Indian Space Research Organisation chief. Kumar succeeds K Radhakrishnan, who retired on December 31, 2014, as the eighth chief of the......
This artist's concept shows NASA's Mars orbiters lining up behind Mars for their "duck and cover" maneuver to shield them from comet dust that may result from the close flyby of comet Siding......
Dr K Sivan has to hasten the effort to bring in private players into satellite and rocket building and replicate India's software success in aerospace, report T E Narasimhan and Raghu Krishnan.......
Ratan Tata was on Tuesday ranked the most trusted name among businessmen in India in a list compiled by popular magazine Reader's Digest that placed the warring Ambani brothers much below. Tata was......
ISRO has an opportunity to be the one-stop shop for satellite manufacturing, and Alpha Design is just the booster it needed.Raghu Krishnan reports. When the Indian Space Research Organisation......
'India has got a unique opportunity to get more and more business from outside as India is cost-effective and reliable.' Former chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation G Madhavan Nair......