A CBI court on Wednesday convicted former Chairman and Managing Director of Indian Bank M Gopalakrishnan and two others in an 18-year-old cheating case, causing Rs 3 crore (Rs 30 million) 'wrongful......
The incidence of corruption cases can be checked to a large extent if the suggestions already available with RBI and the government are taken seriously, says Shyamal Majumdar.Reserve Bank of......
Coming out of the shadow of a global slowdown, Indian information technology service providers are preparing themselves for the road ahead by reviewing strategies of the past years and taking note......
Bogged down by inefficient boards, public sector banks have got mired in mounting bad loans and rising corruption, notes Somasroy Chakraborty. On July 22, Sudhir Kumar Jain -- the now suspended......
Exit polls have a way of going horribly wrong, as they did in 2004. And India Inc is hoping it stays that way this time, too. That's because industry is concerned that the fractured verdict......